December Updates
It's been a while since I've checked in here on the blog, so I figure it's time to post some updates. After a nice long summer season, Chedr is now hibernating for the winter, and I am enjoying some much needed time off. I have been keeping busy doing some of those things that I love to do, yet rarely find the time to do such as sewing, painting, writing, and just playing in my craft workshop. I've been working on a ton of Nacho Mama's merchandise ...whatever I can come up with that I can make or produce. I'll include some photos at the end of my post. I've also been making some cute patchwork clothes for my neices and nephews, new dresses for myself, and handmade Christmas presents. In between I've had some catering gigs, but for the most part I'm done with the truck for the season. If you are craving some Nacho Mama's this winter, I am available for private parties and private catering...just not with my truck. Feel free to email me if you have any questions as to availability and what I can offer. I should be back up and running with the truck full-time in March or April, depending on the weather.
As for the holidays, I am about to head down to Florida to spend the holidays with my family and friends down south, and while I'm there I plan on checking out the food truck scene down there. Tampa and Miami have a huge food truck presence, and many of the other big and smaller cities are following suit. Since the weather is perfect down there right now for food trucks (70 degrees) I hope to get to talk to and sample a good variety of trucks while there. I considered taking my truck down to Florida this winter, but instead I just plan to do some recon this year, so that I can possibly do it next winter. Want to see if it's worth the trouble to head down there and set up shop before I dive right in. Don't worry.... Nacho Mama's won't be leaving Indy, I'm just looking for some warmer weather so I can have my truck running in the winter as well. Up here in the winter it's just too cold for ChedR, and with it being a low rider, and difficult to drive and see as it is....I refuse to drive in or on any snow. I know some of the trucks can handle it, but Chedr is not having it.
I just got some great news this weekend....Chedr was nominated as a finalist for the 2014 Food Truck Design Awards! Not only is it great accolades for Nacho Mama's, but it also gives props to my brother Ryan Coleman for all his hard work and efforts that have gone into all Nacho Mama's graphics and logo design. So we need your votes to help us win! Click here to vote!
I hope you all have a great holiday and New Year! See you in a few months!