It's time for the Rumble again...

This week we are back at the Road Rocket Rumble....three days of hot rods, pin-up girls, and lots of car club socializing. There are all kinds of vendors, workshops, live music, a burlesque show...all kinds of activities to keep you busy for the weekend.  Mostly LOTS of cool cars to look at and drool over. All the cars are from 1965 and older....that is except for my Chedr. He's a bit newer being a 1968 Chevy, but I guess since I'm providing the food they let his birthday slide. The Rumble will be Thursday June 19- Saturday June 21 at the Clarion Waterfront Hotel. If you just want to come for the day it's $5 to get in I believe.

I'm also going to be at Statehouse Market on Thursday June 19 for lunch if you are downtown and want to get your nacho fix before the Rumble.


Peace & love Nacho freaks....

©NachoMamasFoodTruck 2014