March & April 2015 Recap

March I got Chedr up and running again after my friend Brian replaced my water pump, which had busted over the winter in the cold. Last winter I had to replace some of my pipes that had cracked, so I knew it was going to be always is! So I did a few events down on Georgia St to get back into the swing of things. It was still pretty cold, so I wasn't out much in March.

April I wasn't out on the streets as much, but I had several catering gigs through Roaming Hunger  that kept me busy throughout the month. Roaming Hunger is a nationwide company that books food trucks and connects clients with trucks...of course for a fee. I do appreciate the leads that I get through them though. 

A few new items that I have added to the menu this year are:

Holy Guacamole Nachos ($8)     &      Gnarly Naptown Nachos ($10)

This was in response to so many people adding extras on to the Ultimate Nachos, so I just created the Holy Guacamole, which has fresh guacamole and refried beans added to the base Ultimate Nacho.

The Gnarly Naptown Nacho is basically every ingredient I stock on my food truck. I was leery to add such an expensive nacho to my menu since I like to keep my menu affordable, but instead of complaints on price I get the exact opposite, and glee for it being offered. it's a good one for people to share, but many want their own. Go figure! 

I share these observations because we all live and learn, and evolve. Same is true for my business. What I thought might work when I started isn't exactly what has ended up working after several years of the grind. My menu has evolved, but I still try to keep it simple. Each year has seen additions to the menu and several deletions. I'm always open to suggestions though. 

©NachoMamasFoodTruck 2014