July 2015 Recap

July highlights:

July 3 & 4  Food Truck Fest @ Old National Centre

This year July 4th fell on Saturday, so we had two consecutive days of food truck fests at Old National. We had First Friday Food Truck Fest on Friday, and then another fest on Saturday for the Independence Day celebration and the fireworks. It was a fun weekend, but the headliner this year...Henry Lee Summer...was a bit of a disappointment after last year's Rusted Root performance. Last year totally rocked, whereas this year was just ok. Not as big of a crowd as last year either, but that probably had to do with so many other events going on downtown. We had fun anyway since friends and family were hanging out.


July 11  Indy Crit @ Circle on Meridian

Indy Crit is a series of bicycle races that uses the streets of downtown Indy as it's track or course. This year we were set up along the Circle, and luckily I got a free BMX stunt show that set up right in front of my truck, so as I worked I got to see these guys do all kinds of crazy tricks, and get crazy air off the ramps. I ended up feeding most of the pro riders...and got to chat with them a bit. That's one of the few perks of owning and operating a food truck...you get to do fun events and meet people you might not normally interact with.


July 23  Hauler Parade @ Main St, Speedway

One of the few events I do in Speedway every year is the Hauler Parade, which is always the Thursday prior to the Brickyard 400. They block off Main St, have a festival with kids activites, live music, food trucks, and wait for the big semi "haulers" that parade the NASCAR teams into the race track. All the locals come out for the hooplah, and it's a fun event where my neighbors can eat off my truck...which doesn't happen often. Wish there were more events to do in Speedway!



©NachoMamasFoodTruck 2014