Nacho Mama is Back!!
I know, I know, Nacho Mama has been absent for some time.
So where the heck have I been? Well, let me explain.....
First things first..... about a week after my last blog post last June, my best friend passed away after a year long battle with stage 4 breast cancer (that had metastisized into her bones). I took a few days off from the truck to deal with things...but it really has taken several months to fully adjust to the loss. So basically, I did not feel up to writing or keeping up with my social media for quite some time. I am just now starting to feel the weight of grief lifted from my shoulders, and want to start writing again. That's the first reason you haven't heard from me....
The second reason I have been away so long is that I took a winter job this year (as chef of Delta Gamma, Butler U) that started last August and is just about to end next week just as I'm starting my truck season. So I have been working six days a week since last August, and have been immersed in feeding 100 girls everyday.
Finally I can shift my focus back on Nacho Mama's Food Truck though...which brings me to where we are now.
As I still have some time to finish up at Delta Gamma, and I need a little time off too...I don't have a ton of things scheduled for May, but you'll see me at some of my regular spots. I might add a few events, but here is where you can catch me as of now:
May 2 First Friday Food Truck Fest 5-9pm @Old National Centre
May 3 Indie Vintage Arts Market 10-4pm @62nd & Rural
May 17 Brickstreet Market 10-5pm @ Main St, Zionsville
May 29 Statehouse Market 10:30-1:30pm @Robert Orr Plaza
So come see me when you can.....Can't wait to get back in the truck and see all you Nacho Mama freaks out on the streets!!