Catch up time...

I can't believe it's been a month since I've written! Well it's now Memorial Day weekend, and here in Speedway it's crazy town with all the Indy 500 hooplah. I live right smack dab in the middle of it all, which has it's advantages and disadvantages. It's great people-watching territory, that is until you witness just how stupid and belligerent people can get in their alcohol-induced mania. Most of the people are just having a good time, but some take it too far. It's only a few weekends a year, so I'll learn to deal with it. Not as good of a location for a food truck as you might think, by the way.

As we finish off the month of May, I guess I should mention that I just celebrated my one year anniversary for being in business as Nacho Mama's Food Truck. It's been a very educational year for me learning how to stay afloat, amidst a sea of ever-increasing food trucks in the scene. While it's hard work, there are many things I love about the job. The people that I get to meet at each event, the fun events I get to be a part of, being able to sell vegetarian/vegan fare and people appreciating it, and of course being my own boss...all make it worthwhile. I believe in the law of attraction..."the Secret"... and my food truck business is living proof that the power of thought can be realized if only you believe that it can and is possible. With that being said, I'm putting out to the universe that this coming year is going to be even more successful than last year...three times the sales of last year to be specific, since the law of attraction likes specific goals. So here's to many more years in business.....CHEERS!!

©NachoMamasFoodTruck 2014